Lakeside Leader Weekend 2019
This past weekend we had our annual Lakeside Leader Overnight in Lakeside, OH. Over the course of 24 hours we had about 40 leaders and friends of Young Life in Cleveland and Lorain County come together for encouragement, community, and teaching. This is the gist of what we did.
We spent time together.
We opened the Bible together.
We played mini-golf together.
We ate too much pizza together.
We prayed together.
We stayed up too late together.
And we went back to our schools recharged and excited to be in the world of kids, together.
The fall semester is well underway and we are running hard after our middle school, high school, and college friends. Would you join us in praying for opportunities to be with kids, depth in relationships with kids we know, spiritual and emotional health for leaders and our community, and for the good news and love of Christ to be proclaimed— remembering always that “he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” (Colossians 1:17)

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