Thank you for being a faithful and loyal friend to Young Life Cleveland!

What does the name Joe Thomas mean to you? If you’re a Cleveland sports fan, Joe Thomas is a hero. He’s a future NFL Hall-of-Famer, an 11-season Browns center who never missed a play in 10 seasons. He holds the record for 10,363 consecutive snaps--- and he never competed in a Super Bowl. Not even close. Joe represents something our world doesn’t see enough of: faithfulness, loyalty, consistency, and commitment to something you may not see the direct results of in your seasons of play.

Young Life Cleveland has been reaching out to kids for 48 seasons thanks to donors like you. Like Joe, your faithfulness and loyalty contribute to results that don’t get Super Bowl attention, because what’s eternal can’t always be seen. Let us give you a peek into the work you’ve made possible:

 This fall started a new weekend camp at Camp Fitch that we hope will become a tradition for many years.  We had over 100 kids from the Metro area go and they played muddy field games, football in the snow, and enjoyed the simplicity of beautiful rustic property right on the shores of Lake Erie.  

Young Life clubs are gaining ground and operating in 7 high schools and 2 middle schools. Young Life Capernaum, a ministry for kids with disabilities, continues to faithfully love kids each month. These kids are heroes to us!

This year we drafted our own number one pick with the addition of our area’s first Young Life College staffer. Elizabeth Veres is on the campus of Cleveland State University, connecting with all types of college students to share the great news of Jesus. She’s developing a play book to reach kids whom we’ve never reached before.

Our Campaigner groups continue to go deep—opening the Bible with their leaders to discover how relevant Jesus is to their lives. As player-coaches, leaders model how to live life with Christ by being close to kids in their daily worlds. We are reaching nearly 150 kids a week who are growing in Christ and learning to love their friends. Campaigner kids move us down the field in their high schools to reveal the Gospel to their friends on the sidelines in their faith.    

This year is quickly approaching the final whistle. As our ministry grows so does our team locally, we want to finish the year strong financially. So far this fiscal year (which began October 1), we have raised approximately 20% of our annual budget. Our goal is to finish the calendar year having raised 50% of our budget. We need approximately $60,000 in pledges and gifts to accomplish that goal.

If you’ve already pledged toward this year's 2018-2019 budget, thank you! You are a loyal friend and teammate. We are grateful for the generous gifts contributed by so many friends of Young Life. If you’ve not yet made a gift or pledge, would you please consider supporting Young Life for this fiscal year?

We know there are many worthy organizations you can cheer and support with your gifts and time. We so value your contribution as we enter the world of kids, to befriend and care for them until they ask why. On behalf of the thousands of kids we interact within the name of Jesus– thank you.

Please know, we are ever grateful to have you on our team.

You can make a gift online at Just click on the online giving link below...

Rich Veres
and the Cleveland Young Life Committee


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