Camp Fitch Fall Weekend

For 48 years Young Life has been taking Cleveland kids to Fall Weekend.  Over the years it’s ranged from super rustic and cheap get always (back in the 70’s) to hotel weekends in the 80’s and early 2000’s.  Regardless of where we take kids, they have a ton of fun, but more importantly, they will ALWAYS here about our only hope in Jesus. 

This year we had about 300 kids (about 85 locally) go to Fall Weekend at our latest camping destination of Camp Fitch (near Erie Pennsylvania).  We played in the mud, drank hot chocolate, played in more mud, did field games, and played in the mud…and it was amazing!  Kids enjoyed four Young Life clubs, sang songs, played games in skits, watched their leaders compete (shout out to Kristy Reid for representing and winning the leader title this year over the young bucks), and heard Dan Bender from Huron share the message of Jesus Christ. 

Andy’s Autowash Lorain Ave in North Olmsted, sponsored our 2018 Golf Scramble with a “Bus to Fall Weekend Sponsorship.” Andy Yund has been a major contributor to Young Life Cleveland West for many years. We are so grateful for the support from our community business owners! 
With friends, after each talk, kids gathered with their cabins and talked about what Dan shared about Jesus.  They talked about need, sin, the cross and response.  Leaders get to have wonderful conversations about life on these weekends and hear the challenges many of our high school friends are up against.  On Sunday morning, about 49 kids stood up at the “Say So,” where kids have a unique opportunity to say in front of everyone that they are starting a relationship with Jesus. 

The weekend was perfect and a great springboard for our summer trips to Saranac Village and Timber Wolf Lake this summer.  Please pray for all of these kids as they continue to live life with their leaders, grow in Christ, and learn what the Lord has in store for them.

On behalf of all of our Metro Staff, thank you for your faithful care and support of Young Life here.  We took 3x  more kids to Fall Weekend this year than last and we couldn’t do it without you.  

Have a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving!

@Andy Reid


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