Young Life College Weekend!

A few weekends ago Alex and I got to bring 10 of our friends from Cleveland State with us to College Weekend at Rockbridge. We were a small but mighty group in a room of 500 college students from Virginia, Maryland, and Ohio. 

It. Was. A. Blast. 

There is something about getting away from the pressures of life and school to just be together. Of course— it helps when the space is beautiful, the food is great, and the laughter just keeps coming. 

We got to hear about and discuss together who the person of Jesus is, what He has done, and how He loves us and desires a relationship with us. We had the opportunity to sit in silence for 20 minutes (under the most stars we’ve ever been able to see— incredible!) and we were invited to consider what a life with Christ would look like.  

As I was driving a friend back to her apartment Sunday night I asked her what she was walking away with from the weekend and she told me, “I think this is why I am in Cleveland. To reconnect with God.” 

Can it get any better than that? I am so thankful for a space for college students to explore their faith and learn more about Jesus— and that He meets them there! 

By God’s provision we are continuing to grow this ministry at CSU, and look forward to having more to share with you about what He is doing on that campus! 



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