Alpha Course for Adults in Lakewood

Image result for alpha usa
Alpha is a video series meant to create space for spiritual conversation as it walks through the major tenets of the Christian faith. It is often used by churches and workplaces to spark discussion around what each of us personally believes. The Lakewood leader team had the idea to run the new Alpha youth series at our weekly "campaigners" bible study and to invite their parents to go through the same content found in the adult series each week. This would allow parents to see some of the things we talk about in Young Life and possibly start conversations between parents and their kids about each topic. Four parents have already committed, and now we are opening this invitation up to you, as well!

The Details: Starting on Wednesday, September 26 at 8pm, we will be going through an Alpha series in Lakewood for 8 straight weeks. Each meeting will last about one hour and is open to you and your adult friends, neighbors, coworkers, etc. in town that may be interested in participating. We do ask that if you plan on attending, you try your best to make as many of the Wednesday meetings from 9/26 to 11/14 as possible.

Please contact Alex Meyers via email if you are interested in participating, at: Location TBD based on the number of participants.


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