Sawmill Leader/Committee Weekend

 January 19-21 Cleveland Leaders sojourned to Sawmill Creek for a weekend of fellowship, training, worship and teaching.  Bill Paige, a Young Life leader from inner city New York spoke to us on loving Jesus and loving kids.  We had classic Young Life entertainment, informative seminars for everyone, and a good time of processing together as a Metro. Friday night leaders stayed up all night with hundreds of yearbooks from around the region and prayed for each and every name in those books.  Not one kid was missed!  This night captures the heart of a Young Life leader, as they prayed for some kids who have never have been prayed for before.

Lorain County placed a new leader in Avon Wyldlife, Jacob Roe, and it has been awesome.  Cleveland will be doing placements later this spring.  Late night Applebee’s was also had by many, and some committee folks came up for the day on Saturday for some great training to grow our committee’s in Cleveland and Lorain.  We can’t wait until next year’s Sawmill!

At Sawmill,  Regional Director Chris Kessick presented Tony and Megan Alexander with a 5-Year Staff Recognition, reading letters of encouragement from all the staff in the region.

Pictured are kids, leaders and staff from Cleveland East, Cleveland West, Lorain County and Young Lives Cleveland. What a group!


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