Christmas Club- You know another Year is Near It’s End

As we turn the calendar to December, we are keenly aware that Christmas is approaching rapidly and that yet another year is ending.  On Monday this week we had our 88th Annual YL All-Area Club.  (88th has been the number since YL started in Cleveland in 1970!).  We saw nearly 200 kids coming from six clubs around Cleveland pack out our club room this year and it was super exciting. 

We sang Christmas songs, like Feliz Navidad and Rudolf to 12 Days to a song called How Many Kings.  Kids laughed as they saw kids eat spaghetti, chocolate, and syrup as fast as they could.  A girl from Bay won it!  They saw our special guests, Elf Nemo - two little elves - who showed us how they got into shape as elves for the Christmas season.  Finally, they got to hear from Alex Meyers, our Lakewood Young Life Staff guy, as he shared about life.  Alex asked what it is we put our hope in, realizing that there’s no one we could ever hope in who's like Jesus. 

It’s been a great year all across the Metro area and a great year in Cleveland West.  As we close the year out, we’re grateful for you as well.  If you’d like to give to Cleveland West before December 31st, click here.  Your gift given this month will enable us to reach more kids around our area and the city!

Thanks for partnering with us in YL and have a Merry Christmas!

Love the YL Staff,

Andy, Kristy, Alex, and Elizabeth. 


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