Party with a Purpose - Young Life Cleveland West Banquet

Come join the party! It's a "Party with a Purpose!"
Sunday April 14, 2019
Double Tree Inn by Hilton
1100 Crocker Road
Westlake, OH 44145
5:30-7:30 pm
Attire: Snappy Casual Party Attire!

No cost to attend. Donations cheerfully accepted!
Silent Auction will be online before the event, and then bidding will continue at the event. So come early and bid a lot!

Young Life has been in Cleveland for almost 50 years, reaching adolescents with the truth about Christ and helping them grow in their faith. Today, we are in 5 west shore communities, equipping and training 19 volunteers and employing 5 staff people.

This event is the primary fundraiser for the $200k annual budget, raising over 30% of these much-needed funds. Money raised at the banquet goes entirely to local support. In the past, the silent auction raised up to $4,000 of that support.


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