
In Young Life, we're all about watching students experience the life transformation that can only come from a relationship with Jesus. Every student we meet has their own unique story, and their graduation is a natural time to reflect on how their lives have changed over the last four years. Our Lakewood team has had the privilege of spending the past two years getting to build relationships and walk through life with this group of recent graduates (pictured above, from this year's camp trip).

This past Monday, we had one last Campaigners Bible study with our graduated seniors before they move on to the next stage of life. We gave them the opportunity to share some insights with the younger students, and it was incredible to listen as they shared the testimonies of God's work in their own lives. Some of these friends, who had little to no faith when we first met them, ended up becoming student leaders this summer at our outreach camp trip. Many of them are planning on spending their college careers volunteering with Young Life to reach students who will be walking through the same challenges and social pressures they faced. These are the small victories and milestones we get to celebrate as we continue our relationships with these friends.

I'll highlight one senior story here. We currently have a student going through Basic Training for the Army National Guard. We spent a few mornings at camp going through the Bible together to equip him to remain close to God in what can be a rough environment. Upon arriving, he started a Bible study with some of his peers and is now teaching them how to read Scripture for themselves. What a gift to get to participate in and reflect on God's work in the lives of our friends. They are leaving high school on a new and different path from the one they came in on.

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. Behold, the old has passed away; the new has come." - 2 Corinthians 5: 17


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