
Showing posts from August, 2018

Capernaum Camp grows in the CLE!

Capernaum is Young Life for kids who have special needs...and it could be the most exciting ministry we get to do.  These kids are amazing!  What could be better than giving amazing kids and an amazing week at Rockbridge? Cleveland Metro took five kids this August and they had a great week!  These kids experienced horseback riding, zip lining, swimming, and all of the activities of our traditional camp weeks.  Add to that an amazing speaker sharing with them how much they are loved by the God of the universe, and you have what makes Young Life camping so special. Summer camp is where the Gospel comes together in sight and sound.  Capernaum leaders live 24/7 with their kids, eat meals with them, run, and play with them.  But what leaders live for are the talks they have with kids about Jesus, processing who He is and how relevant He is to their lives.  It's fun to blow kids away, helping them see that they were created perfectly and loved i...


In Young Life, we're all about watching students experience the life transformation that can only come from a relationship with Jesus. Every student we meet has their own unique story, and their graduation is a natural time to reflect on how their lives have changed over the last four years. Our Lakewood team has had the privilege of spending the past two years getting to build relationships and walk through life with this group of recent graduates ( pictured above, from this year's camp trip ). This past Monday, we had one last Campaigners Bible study with our graduated seniors before they move on to the next stage of life. We gave them the opportunity to share some insights with the younger students, and it was incredible to listen as they shared the testimonies of God's work in their own lives. Some of these friends, who had little to no faith when we first met them, ended up becoming student leaders this summer at our outreach camp trip. Many of them are planning o...