Capernaum Christmas Party

Young Life’s Capernaum (ministry to kids with special needs) wrapped up it’s first full year, and had great fun.  We have a wonderful group of kids who we are getting to know, but most importantly, we get to tell them verbally and non-verbally, that they are loved by the God of the universe!  We memorized John 3:16 together by learning it by hand motions and everyone was able to do it. 

Our short talk was out of Luke 2 as we looked at the Inn Keeper who simply didn’t have room for Jesus.  We likened that to our lives and how often we simply don’t have room for Jesus.  Our goal this Christmas is to clean our rooms and have a place for Jesus daily.

Thanks for supporting Young Life and Capernaum.  We are continuing to grow this exciting ministry.  Our needs are more buddies who will come and love kids with us.

Merry Christmas from the Young Life staff and Capernaum!


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